In the enigmatic world of Lycans and werewolves,where fate binds souls through the sacred bond of chosen and fated mates,a storm brews within the heart of an ancient pack.Dimitri,a strong-willed and principled young Alpha-to-be,navigates the tumultuous waters of tradition and personal choice,as he stands firm against the notion of a chosen mate,awaiting his destined other half.
The story unfolds in the presence of Mike,Dimitri’s mother Janet's new mate,a man shrouded in mystery and burdened by a dark past.Mike,not a Lycan but harboring dormant Lycan genes,has kept a secret that threatens to tear apart the fabric of their family and pack.His fated mate,long thought abandoned,is now on her deathbed,leaving behind a daughter,Madeline,who knows nothing of her true heritage.
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